My Crazy Adventure with my Best Friend | Teen Ink

My Crazy Adventure with my Best Friend

March 22, 2011
By Anonymous

My hands were as cold as icicles as I stood outside my house with my best friend Christopher who is also known as my brother. He said everything would be fine yet I still felt like the butterflies in my stomach would never fly away. I was twelve years old and since he was fifteen I believed everything he said. As he held the liter in his hand my whole body became a statue. I decided to sit on the porch to slow my shaking down. The illegal fireworks on the ground seemed like the devil. He was laughing at my scared look and told me to relax for he had done this before. I trusted him but I couldn’t handle this. I was too young to understand what we were doing and I thought it was a major crime. I sprinted like a cheetah into the quiet house. Christopher looked at me and lit the first firework. The colors were unbelievably beautiful and I loved every minute of it. The lighting against the dark sky made every second even greater. A few seconds later it was over. I wanted to watch the amazing fireworks all night but I knew I couldn’t because the cops would be coming soon. Christopher ran inside and gave me a big bear hug. I told him how incredible everything was. He told me it was even better outside but I couldn’t get the guts to go out. After telling me he would light one more, he jogged outside. The second firework was just as perfect. I knew something was wrong when I heard the sirens. I ran like Usain Bolt and hid in the laundry room. I was so afraid I felt like crying but I didn’t want them to find me so I forced myself to be strong. I didn’t want them to take my best friend away. I heard the door slam open and shut in a splint second and before I knew it I could feel Christopher’s breath on my shoulder. He had a scared tone in his voice as he told me the police were here. The doorbell rang and we both jerked our heads in the same direction. We couldn’t hide forever. We could hear my mother’s footsteps reaching the door and the thought crossed my mind to run away. My mother answered the doorbell and called Christopher’s name. I didn’t want to be alone so I followed him to meet the police officer. His black suit frightened me but he turned out to be a nice man. He told my brother that the worst possible thing he could have done was run. My brother apologized and the officer decided to only give him a warning if he agreed to throw away all his illegal fireworks. Christopher agreed. My brother and I are still best friends to this day and we laugh at our crazy adventures.

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