Thanksgiving with the Family | Teen Ink

Thanksgiving with the Family

March 12, 2011
By Burbury BRONZE, Marion, Ohio
Burbury BRONZE, Marion, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

People bustled about colliding into each other like bumper-cars. Walking through the dining room was like standing in the middle of a highway at rush hour. The sense of complete family and safety was wonderful. The feeling of everyone all together in one place for the first time in two years was even better. The smell of turkey alternately drifted and blew through the air until it reached the nose of every hungry person, tempting and tantalizing its prey until the feast began. The delicious aromas wafting through the house on Thanksgiving are always memorable, for the smell of food is nearly as wonderful as the taste. The feeling people got when they saw the turkey, dressing, apple sauce, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, peas, corn, and artichoke dip, all in fancy dishes and on a table decorated with flowers and a red cloth, was like the pearly gates opening up. What a beautiful invitation to a crowd of very lucky men and women! Hearing all the noise and commotion was almost deafening, but one always had in the back of his mind that all the noise was for a good cause. The clanking of dishes, singing of songs, laughing of teens, talking of grown-ups, the humming of chairs sliding across the floor, and the happy sounds of babies all blended together to make one delightful din. Then when all were seated, everything was quiet, and the grace had been said, everyone was hushed, like race horses at a starting gate; and then, there was feasting. The tastes of the food mixed in mouths and slowly slid down the back of throats, only to have another bite of food quickly follow the first until each person was fat and happy and could not hold another bite for the life of him.

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