To See the Day | Teen Ink

To See the Day

January 17, 2011
By xmaleficmel BRONZE, Staten Island, New York
xmaleficmel BRONZE, Staten Island, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's not art if you're not a mess."

I want our children to look upon our generation as the ones who’ve made it out. To listen to the stories we tell them and be astonished by the survivalists they see before them. I want them to think that we were extraordinary, that we were able to escape this world of cruelty and desperation. That we were able to look beyond the hate, dirt, greed and propaganda and rise up as real-life heroes, those who follow the laws of truth and civility; who fall victim to just and right. I want the children of your children to read about me in their history books and KNOW that I made a difference. I want teachers to teach those children the TRUTH, and not some lies that cover up the darkness. They can handle it just like we all can handle the truth we feel in our hearts. I want our children to watch the news and witness the real issues in the world and not the little white lies. I want them to understand that every story has two sides and the TRUTH. I want to live to see the day when are souls are free of rape, murder, and disease; when one can look into their lover’s eyes and actually feel LOVE and not aggressive lust. I want to see the day when people know the difference between an actual dangerous criminal, and the victim of racial discrimination by police officers. I want to watch a jury sit inside of a jury room and look at the facts and take their time instead of sending innocent young men and women to jail just because they’re tired of trying. I cannot wait for the day when children do not even think about drinking or using illicit drugs, because they have no pains. Because they can be children and be worry-free. But until then I’ll wait. I’ll wait until I’m older, have gathered more respect and am sure that the world is tired of the suffering. For now, it seems as if I’m the only one.

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