Friends Forever | Teen Ink

Friends Forever

January 31, 2011
By HeatherD BRONZE, Blue Mound, Illinois
HeatherD BRONZE, Blue Mound, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I have a great family, we all stick together and inspire one another to do out best. However, there is one of my family members who sticks out among the rest of my family. It is my older sister Kristen. She is eighteen-years-old, she attends university, where she plays soccer for the Big Blue, and she is my best friend. She is probably the nicest person you will ever meet. She always knows how to make you laugh, and cheer you up when you’re upset. The best thing about having my sister as my best friend is that I’m with her so much. I love living with my best friend! She would do anything for me, as I would for her.

Over the last two years, we have spent many hours together. Last year, I was a freshman and she was a senior in high school and we both participated in basketball and volleyball. Being on the same team meant that we were always riding to practices together. We had so many fun car rides, we blasted the radio or one of her CD’s. We would listen to anything and everything and scream every single word. There was no better way to start off every morning with a jam session!

Being on the same team as Kristen also meant that I was given the opportunity to learn a lot of things from her about sports. I got to watch her play, make mistakes that I could learn from, and figure out how to be a team leader. I loved it, I got to see everything from a distance and make note of the good things she did and use the mistakes to benefit me in the future. Some of the most important influences Kristen makes on me are her good decisions. She doesn’t smoke, drink or partake in the use of drugs. This really inspires me because a lot of her friends do but, she still turns everything down. She’s a very smart girl, I look up to her and she knows it.

The bond between Kristen and I, is unbreakable. She will always be my best friend, no one will ever change that. Out of everyone in my family, she is the one I’m closest to. I’m so thankful for the amazing family I have and the greatest best friend ever!

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