The Days You've Been Gone | Teen Ink

The Days You've Been Gone

January 29, 2011
By Jacque BRONZE, Orangeville Ontario, Other
Jacque BRONZE, Orangeville Ontario, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't take life to seriously, for if you do, don't expect to get out alive

I remember that day, how it was a week before my graduation from grade eight. Four days before my trip to Ottawa. Three days before Father's Day.
I remember coming home from school and finding my mom's friend there. A smile on her face, but she was holding something back at the time. I couldn't tell this at the time, I only wondered why my mom wasn't there to meet me.
She drove us to our cottage, where multiple cars were parked. I saw my mom's, my grandparent's, aunts', uncles', friends, and my dad's. They all stood outside the cottage, staring off at the lake. I got out of the car smiling. Though, as soon as my mom hugged me, I knew something was wrong.
My mom told me my dad never came back from kayaking the night before. He had kayaked the three km to my grandparents, stayed there for half the night and then went back kayaking.
My friends and family were there to comfort me, but I felt alone. Trapped inside myself. No one to understand this pain I felt.
While most people spend there summer break care free, I spent mine waiting for my dad to come home. A month later, we got a call saying they found him. I couldn't stop the tears then. I didn't want to.
All I know that as each day goes by, it's one day farther from when I last saw him, but a day closer to when I'll be able to see him again.
A month to find the body. A week before my grad. Four days before my trip. Three days before Father's Day. If you're reading this Dad, I'll see you one day, I promise.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 5 2011 at 8:13 pm
Joycileena SILVER, South San Francisco, California
7 articles 1 photo 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Our love is like the wind, you can't see it, but you can feel it."

its really good! i hope you continue writing! please check out my stories too (: