My 6-8 Grade Year | Teen Ink

My 6-8 Grade Year

January 12, 2011
By Al1811 BRONZE, Ottawa, Kansas
Al1811 BRONZE, Ottawa, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I moved around a lot. We found somewhere to finally settle in. My 6th grade year. I made it until about December. I started to feel nauseated and I'd go to the nurses office every day during the same class period. My mom took me to the doctor's office and they said I just had stomach problems so they gave me some stomach meds. After a few months, the medicine didnt help and the nauseating feelings started to occur more often. It got to the point that I couldn't sit through one class without this feeling occurring, so I took my work out into the hall. One day when I was out in the hallway catching up on the reading, my classmates started talking about how I was faking and how ridiculous it was that the teachers believed me and gave me special treatment. They didn't know I was in the hall. They thought I was in the nurses office. So they got a "free-pass" to talk about me. The worst part was when I walked through the door with tear stained cheeks with my held high back to my seat. That's when I realized that I had to toughen up and couldn't let my class walk all over me anymore. I finished out that horrible year and finally, about the third week of 7th grade, the doctor realized that it was anxiety. So since then, I've been on the same medication and it's gotten a lot better and I don't hide whenever I'm having a panic attack. Although, I still get dirty looks from a lot of people, but I have great friends that threaten to kick some major butt if they don't leave us alone. I'm as happy as can be with my friends and my life now. Well, kinda. (When I don't get those sneak attacks)

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this article whenever I was reading an article in Seventeen Magazine about a girl that went through the same thing as me. I connected with the piece as soon as I got to the third sentence.

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