Black face | Teen Ink

Black face

December 11, 2010
By dearkeione BRONZE, Hammond, Louisiana
dearkeione BRONZE, Hammond, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
there is alot in life to live for,but there's space and time for everything...-me

there's voices in my head,there is lots of yelling and screaming and crying and dreaming....My face is anonymous but my tears stand out,no one to run to,no friends just my frown...I think to myself where does life take me from here,i think why do i have to push myself to fit in.All the strength and hope you give me,and i sit and look around.I open my eye's:apear in a dark room(pink)full with empty air,but i see a mirror there.As i reach my hand out i cant see you there.I cry,go crazy,scream,and share:"where are you,you said you love me,your gone i feel air" i yell.I turn to the mirror.and i see no face just black tears.Looking down with a frown and behind me you apear...

The author's comments:
this may read like poetry but it's not...the feelings and the mood im in inspired me to write this...I really hope you like this...thank you

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