Shattered Remains of a Broken Home | Teen Ink

Shattered Remains of a Broken Home

November 22, 2010
By taywuh SILVER, Sparks, Nevada
taywuh SILVER, Sparks, Nevada
6 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Dear Mom and Dad,
I feel like I'm falling and your the two that pushed me over the edge. I can't even say I love you anymore because of everything you put me through. We're not happy. Not me, you, or my brothers and it's taxing on all of us. But exspecially on me. I've been alive for 14 years and honestly I can say you have never been there for me.
I feel like your strangers living in my house, making it unsafe, vile, and violent. You hurt me in ways I could never try to explain to you, but I deal with it as best as I can. But my little brother...You guys make him shut down and slowly he's turning into you.
Our house is like a dungeon that I am forced to live in and you both are the dragons torturing me and my brother's lifes.
Our house is not a home. Home is some place you feel safe and loved and thats the complete opposite of how our's feels. Our house is the shattered remains of a broken home. And i am a girl born into your world of violence and sorrow. And just as shattered as our home.

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