the highlights of life/memory lane | Teen Ink

the highlights of life/memory lane

November 14, 2010
By 13akellermeier GOLD, Bowling Green, Ohio
13akellermeier GOLD, Bowling Green, Ohio
12 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
"life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get."

I remember as a child, hiding under the table of embarrassment because i dumped an entire bottle of ketchup on to my hot dog. I cried, afraid my babysitter would be mad. Her eyes lit up, and she laughed the most joyous laugh while trying to comfort me.

I remember my grandfather taking me to wendy's after church. I secretly stuffed fries in my pants pockets for later.

I remember my hiding place under the end table, where i would fall asleep, while everyone was looking for me.

I remember hearing stories of my older sister's funny mistakes. (They told me them when I needed cheering up)

I remember my dad building a cabin in our backyard, so my friends and i could stay up late with out bother anyone.

I remember going to haunted houses with my friends for the adrenaline rush.

I look back and remember all of these things, realizing the interesting experiences don't stop as you get older. They just adjust to make the memories worth while.

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