A Distant Memory | Teen Ink

A Distant Memory

November 8, 2010
By Rachel McDonald BRONZE, Mannford, Oklahoma
Rachel McDonald BRONZE, Mannford, Oklahoma
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

As I gaze across this once gorgeous scenery, all I can sense is a natural disaster. Underbrush and weeds are controlling this place now. The water has dried up and all plants lay dead. I feel off edge in this place, picturing the distant memories. The sweet scent of flowers has vanished and has been replaced with a musky odor. The earth chewed up and spit out this landscape to leave it broken. It seems impossible that this spot once was my most favorite place to escape the worries of this world.
When I was eight, my sister and I were forced to move out with my mother after my parents got divorced. We lived in an old rotting brown trailer in Lake Country. Oh, how I hate that trailer with floors that creak and mold stains forming on the ceiling. My parents separation took a toll on me. My anger grew every time I stepped foot in that miserable place. When my emotions got the best of me, I would flee to the most beautiful place I know.
On the right side of the main road of Lake Country is a small pond with a little island in the center. The island had over grown grass all over it with a mailbox on the south edge. It reminded me of an unknown land that has yet to be discovered. In the evenings, the sun's light would reflect on the surface of the water creating a awestruck beauty of colors. I spent many days watching this amazing wonder.
On the left side laid my own world of possibilities. Right across from the lake was a steep side with a concrete platform on the bottom. When standing on the flat rock you can see six tunnels going down under the ground and ending at the pond on the other side of the road. Looking directly in front of the tunnels was a breath taking landscape. A small stream formed from the water traveling through the tunnels and covering the platform than falling on the dirt ground. The water glistened to the pattern of the stream.
The flow of the water split in two separate streams at a huge oak tree. Along the moist ground sprouted lush flowers and bushes. The vibrant colors made the surrounding area come alive. The sky was filled with the aroma of fresh water and pollinated flowers. In the background stood large trees that made it seem like you were in a forest. This view looked more imaginary than real. I visit this extravagant place to contain all my thoughts. The sound of bugs ticking and birds chirping helps me relax. I feel so free here.
One day, my sister and I met up with two of our friends: Elizabeth and Carlos. We were racing in the tunnels and whoever reached the pond first, won. I was going as fast as I could hoping I'd finally win this time, but when I reached the end I felt my sister pull me up and tell me not to speak. I understood exactly why my sister had told me that. A police officer was walking over towards us. I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest. All different kinds of thoughts ran through my mind all at once. The officer ask if we were crawling through the tunnels and explained the danger of it. In the end, he just gave us a warning.
Looking back on all the memories I had here brings tears to my eyes. I was mind boggled by the change of this place. Just a few years ago I spent my summers here and now it was an unfamiliar area. I wish I would have realized than that it was a very special place, that would seem to be gone in a blind of an eye. If I could I would go back to soak up the marvelous beauty of my own world.

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