something you've lost | Teen Ink

something you've lost

October 26, 2010
By .babycakes. GOLD, Waupaca, Wisconsin
.babycakes. GOLD, Waupaca, Wisconsin
10 articles 7 photos 8 comments

Almost a year ago I lost something important to me to a person who is important to me, my heart.Ever since October 11th,2009 I have loved this boy Jacoby Trout.If I could I would spend almost every waking moment of my life with him.The time we spend together is indescribable.My heart flutters when I see him,think about him,talk to him,and even simply talk about him.A million butterflies will fall into my stomach and dance around like kindergarten children at free time.Never in my life did I think I could love someone so dearly. Yeah, I'll admit we've had our bumps in the road and I'm positive there will be more in the future, but knowing that I'll have him to face the problems with brings peace to my life. People all the time say you're still just kids and you'll be okay if you spolit up.Honestly I don't know what I would do if I didn't have him.Not only is he my everything, but he's my bestfriend.When I have nobody to turn to I know I have him to turn to and have his shoulder to cry on if I need to.Through this journey of my teenage years I've had other people but I almost feel he's the one who truely understands me or can be there for me.

The author's comments:
The names in this piece have been changed. Also I wrote this on 10.5.10, we celebrated our one year on 10.11.10, and on 10.15.10 I went to his house and found a girl in his bed, so some feelings against him have changed.

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