Gothic or Lonely | Teen Ink

Gothic or Lonely

October 20, 2010
By Anonymous

"Hey Gothic!"
"Shut up!"
"Precipation...Condinsations..."teacher blambs on and on.I sit there not paying attention and drifting off to a daydream.Til the bell pierced my daydream,as I was about to walk off I hear the words sharply "Gothic!"I just shook my head.In the hall everyone ignores me exept for my friends,I ask my friends"Am I really what they say?" They always shake their head no but I can see it in their eyes that they arent sure.I try not let them know that it hurts me but I always forget what they say and go on.By now I used to it giving them a icey-cold stare til I get in trouble.I lonely but not to lonely I got only three friends who actually sit beside me.I wish they will actually spend day with me and get to know me better but the world is not alway be friendly to all of us.But sometime people can be so annoying and angry,someday trample all over my pride and feeling.
If they look at things in my way maybe just maybe they know why I'm like the way I am.If we all understand each other maybe would be easier.I dont know but you cant always get your way,spoiled or not.

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This article has 1 comment.

deathnote said...
on Sep. 9 2011 at 9:33 am
i totally agree