Oui Oui | Teen Ink

Oui Oui

October 4, 2010
By traceygeary BRONZE, Highland Lakes, New Jersey
traceygeary BRONZE, Highland Lakes, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was sitting apprehensively in a classroom at Notre Dame High School in Pamiers, France where I thought the French students made me out to be a foreign creature. My host family’s daughter, Cyrielle, noticed the worry in my eye and spoke some broken English to calm me down. My fear and worry was due to the fact we were in “English” class, the class where the French students learned to speak my language. My head was spinning, “What if I don’t know the answer to something? Will everyone laugh at me?”

The worries were all in my head; the teacher went on to teach as if I was never there. Listening to the room of twenty students learning my native language was an extraordinary experience and I learned so much in that small window of time watching the class. They truly wanted to learn and made me feel comfortable in their presence. I will carry those memories with me throughout the rest of my life. A learning experience like this is much more insightful and tactile then reading about French culture, religion, or ways of life. My entire trip was exceptional in every aspect. I realize that I will love to experience this type of learning again and am thrilled that High Point has such a strong study-abroad program.

When touring the beautiful North Carolina campus, I remembered seeing the international flags waving on the Promenade, fifty-two to be exact, and it occurred to me that I would be honored to have these experiences every day while attending High Point University. Being surrounded by various nationalities from around the world will give me a better sense of self, and allow me to become something bigger than myself.

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