Who's That Girl? | Teen Ink

Who's That Girl?

September 24, 2010
By casey1013 BRONZE, Overton, Nebraska
casey1013 BRONZE, Overton, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live Life...

Who’s that girl with grey blue eyes, zigzag teeth, and sunny blonde hair with a smile as big as the state of Texas? That girl with the bubbly personality you just can’t help but smile at when you see her in the hallways. Who’s that girl that says hello to everyone she knows? Who’s that girl that has the old blue truck driving into the school parking lot every morning? Who’s the girl that has her off days but tries her hardest not to show it? Who’s that girl that tries so hard each and every day to get the approval of her peers? Who’s that girl that gets the attention from all of the boys in school? Who’s that girl with a thousand friends but still feels all alone and no one to ever come and to talk to about her life? Who’s that girl that knows that deep down, she has no self -confidence left inside of her at all? Who’s that girl that when she looks in the mirror, disapproval and disgust are the only things that cross her mind? Who’s that girl who worked hard to get that starting position on the varsity team? Who’s that girl that lettered in every sport she played and is proud of it each and every day? Who’s that girl that always wants to be good enough through her parent’s eyes? Who’s that girl that has the long stressful days? Who’s that girl that comes home to a house full of screaming and hate during the night. Who’s that girl that can hear her parents fighting when they think she is asleep? Who’s that girl that prays every night with a tear rolling down her cheek at times of distress? Who’s that girl that has it all in her hands, it seems like, except for the one thing she wishes she had had all of her life? Love. Now ask yourself this… Who’s that girl?

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