Admiring | Teen Ink


September 23, 2010
By ashbacke BRONZE, Woodward, Iowa
ashbacke BRONZE, Woodward, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One time I was getting admired, and it was during prom of last year. This was because I was with my boyfriend, when he said tons of compliments about how I looked and how much he liked it. I felt like a princess that night, and also made me feel so good about myself. Because we also took pictures at his and my house before the dance. And his dad really liked how I looked too, so there’s a good start.

But my mom decided that she wanted to take more pictures because it was my special night. Mostly, because I was a sophomore, and you can’t usually go until you’re a junior. Unless someone asked you and they are upperclassmen. But the whole day I was busy getting everything ready, including myself. But it all worked out great anyhow.

So this is how it happened. He met me at my house around 6. But earlier that day I woke up at around 8 because I had a hair appointment at noon, and I didn’t want to be late. After it was done it was gorgeous, because it was exactly what I wanted. Because it was really curly and wavy at the same time with my long hair. Along with a little poof in the front.

Then after that I got my make-up done professionally at Von-Maur around 3. This was amazing because I love how people can make eyes look dramatic, because it’s really awesome to look like that. After that I was at my house, waiting for him to pick me up, but it was only 4 o’clock. So I pretty much took a few pictures of myself trying the dress on again before the dance, and I didn’t know what else to do because I was so excited. It was all I could think about that whole day.

My dress was a strapless gown with a mix of light and dark purple with glitter. So when he picked me up he had one of those small white president kinds of limos, which worked just fine because after he came and got me we pretty much roamed around town because we didn’t know what else we could do. Besides, the dance started at 8. He also gave me a corsage, which was really beautiful and matched perfectly with my dress. I really admired it during that night too.

Next, we took that last set of pictures for the night at prom. But the weird part before the dance was that he kept staring at me like he didn’t even know me, or that he was still in shock about the way I looked that night. I really liked all the things he said to me also, because they were all really nice and good. There was a really funny part to the night, and that was every time I either hugged or danced a slow dance with him I always got glitter on his suit. But what I really liked and took in was that his parents really did mean it when they said that I looked great! But now it was time to get to the dance.

Everybody was wearing very beautiful dresses, and then it was time to dance. Which wouldn’t be a problem unless you were me, because I have no clue of how to dance. So I just followed in his footsteps. It worked out fine anyway, because I still had a great time and that’s all that matters. I also got to meet some of his other friends because this was a Madrid prom not Woodward’s, and they were really friendly and nice too.

Dancing was really all the nervousness I had, as for everything else it was really cool. And the end of the dance, which was midnight and we left with a souvenir of a keychain with us together with starts around us. Then we got our other pictures later on. I love the pictures because I look really good and no one can recognize that it’s me. We both had a lot of fun, especially at after prom because of the hypnotists.

The rest of after prom was pretty much just games, goofing around, and winning prizes. I was happy that he won a TV, like he wanted too. So I just have to say that I will never forget that day!

The author's comments:
This was the best night of my life and just want other people to know it!

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