Draft | Teen Ink


September 1, 2010
By marquis SILVER, Austin, Texas
marquis SILVER, Austin, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Good Old Days

The sun rose high above the clouds, clearing the sky the higher it went, waking me up early in the morning. The smell of hot bacon, eggs, and pancakes warmed my nostrils. I got out of bed and brushed my teeth, then took a hot steaming shower. The cold mint taste of the toothpaste filling my mouth. I walked outside only to endure the morning heat, looking at the beautiful field across the street right next to a small ditch we fished in for crawl fish.

I walked back inside after my mouth was clear of the mint taste. “Good morning,” I said to my grandma, who’s house I stayed the night at every weekend.

“Good morning, you ready to eat baby?” she replied.

“Yes ma’am, where’s papa?” I said.

“At the store buying some more bread.” Grandma replied.

We then waited for my grandpa to come back before we ate, then all sat down at the table to eat. The sun was young and I was waiting for my friends to come over so we could find something to do. They arrived right as the sun hit its highest point in the sky, we decided to play tag, a big game. We all met up at the field then, rock paper scissors to see who all were it, because their was twelve of us so three people were it.

I rushed to the car wash so that I could climb onto a shock that was near there and climbed the wall to hide. I waited for a while then climbed back down to see where everyone was. As soon as I got down I saw someone running non-stop for like five blocks. I started getting tired then two more people started chasing me so I ran a little longer then gave up.

We kept playing until the sunset as we always did. Woke up the next day and did it all over again. One thing I liked most about the small town is how everyone knew each other and were really friendly.

The store managers were either relatives or friends of the family, and people at other jobs all knew my family. Soon after we moved back to my hometown Killeen which also became a place I call home.

I can remembered all the good times I had back in Copperas Cove, although it looks boring it’s a cool place. I miss all those days I spent roaming the neighborhood and having fun with my friends. If I could, I’d go back and visit every year.

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