Special Place | Teen Ink

Special Place

May 23, 2010
By missmaddy BRONZE, Fraser, Colorado
missmaddy BRONZE, Fraser, Colorado
4 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Everyone has a place where they feel comfortable, relaxed, and safe. This place varies greatly from person to person, but always instills the same peaceful serenity that encompasses and fills you up.

The golden half-dollar leaves rustle as a warm breeze rushes through them. Making them bob, bounce, swirl, and flutter. The sky is as blue as Belladonna Blue Delphinium Perennials. Spotted throughout the blue are cotton ball clouds, twirling high above in the breezes.
A stream close by trickles, laughing softly. A petite bluebird flaps over to the tree nearest me. The tree is a young maple that slightly bows under it's weight. The bird is cheerfully chirping, singing a song I know by heart. It is a happy song, that lifts spirits and opens minds.

The scent of fresh rain fills my nostrils. However, the silky grass under me is dry. Warmed like towells from the drier, by the sun. The forest floor is carpeted with hundreds of types of flowers, giving off a perfume that mixes with the fresh rain. Everything around me is illuminated from within, as if otherworldly.

This place isn't real, as far as I know, but I may visit it whenever I like. My special place is know to me and only me. It keeps me calm in times of trouble. It is inside my mind, it lives and grows in my imagination. This place has been created by me, for me, as a emotional blanket that can help in times of need. This place will always be there for me to come to instantaniously, no matter where I am or what I am doing. Here will always be my safe home.

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