Changes in High School | Teen Ink

Changes in High School

June 6, 2010
By tenkaymm BRONZE, New Jersey, New Jersey
tenkaymm BRONZE, New Jersey, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Love isnt a maybe thing, when you love someone, you no it"

When most students start high school they are really excited. Four years are ahead and those students know its time to make new friends and start over from middle school. In high School you get older and experience new things. Somewhere in the mix of things people change. I know this from watching my friends change. Slowly, you start hanging out with the wrong people, you want to fit in, you dont stand up for your beliefs, you want to look cool and slowly you start doing things that are wrong and then sooner or later you end up giving in completely and it becomes easy. Its really annoying to watch people who once had strong values to just change completely. In high school its all ahout image and it gets to a point where people just dont care about morals anymore. so you find many people on drugs, cursing,smoking, having sex and it becomes normal. Its like if your a virgin, its a big deal. thats not the way things should be. Morality should be the thing thats in and people should care. Cause honestly, immorality affects people emotionally. Imagine how the world would be if everyone had values? For example.. the Bible says "money is the root of all evil" so looking at our world, what crazy things will people do for money? Exactly! Some people would do anything. So imagine if everyone had good intentions and values,we would maybe have less problems. Or maybe the rate of teen pregnancy wouldnt have sky rocketed if people could just wait for their marriage partner. We need to take a look at our lives and the things that we want. Not the things that the world deems okay.

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this piece was watching my friends change drastically once we got to high school. I am now a senior so I can look back on high school and speak the truth. Its really sad and I am tired of people doing immoral things and thinking its ok then looking down on those who aren't doing those things. I want people to get what I am saying and see the importance of it. truth is people need attention and want to fit in but why should that come with a price? people need to have self- respect and not just give into the ways of society. Just cause the media says its ok.. doesnt.

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