My childhood | Teen Ink

My childhood

June 4, 2010
By Samantha Moshos BRONZE, Menifee,92584, California
Samantha Moshos BRONZE, Menifee,92584, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

All I know about my birth mother was that her name was Linda and she was an alcoholic. My life was awful. My mom’s sister and law, Carrie was also very mean. In fact, I remember one day, I was four years old, my aunt was giving me a bath and she tried to drown me. Luckily my six year old sister, Danielle came in and hit my aunt in the face so she would stop. Just as my sister was getting me out of the tub, my aunt punched my sister back in the face and gave her a black eye.
That day fortunately was a school day and while my sister was at school, her injuries were reported and finally, the police were involved. If that hadn’t happened then I wouldn’t had a chance for my life start over again.
After that incident with my aunt, Danielle and I had to be put into foster care. We went to many foster homes--sometimes together but many times separated. Weeks went on when I didn’t get to see my sister but when I did get to see her I was the happiest person alive. I loved her so much.
“Will we ever be adopted?” my sister cried out everyday.
“Someday, I know it; just someday we will have a family.”
At one of our foster homes, the people who were caring for us were Elaine and Russ.
After two years with Elaine and Russ. It finally happened; we got adopted by a family. It has been eight years since we were adopted. My sister and I have a blast with our new parents, Cathy and Bill. I have a new family that I get to spend with for the rest of my life.

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This article has 1 comment.

corazon1996 said...
on Jun. 9 2010 at 9:32 pm

this story is so sad but heartwarming at the same time. i'm sorry for all the traumas you had to go through.