Kicking it with a Friends | Teen Ink

Kicking it with a Friends

June 3, 2010
By FoNzZz21 BRONZE, Menifee, California
FoNzZz21 BRONZE, Menifee, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Eww that’s nasty dawg!”

“I have to fart,” Evan my friend announced.

“Do it somewhere else,” I yelled back to him.

After that, he got out of his and as soon as he passed me he pinned me down, and ripped a dirty, stinky, wet fart right in my face.

Man it stunk so bad it was like there had been a skunk in the room. Evan started laughing like a hyena. After that experience I wasn’t sure spending the night at his house was a good idea.

Later that night, we decided to go asleep. As I was just falling asleep, Evan gave me a wet willie. My ear was all wet and nasty feeling.

“Are you up now?” Evan asked me.

“What do you think? Of course I’m up!”

As Evan started laughing again, I was trying to get all the nasty saliva out of my ear but couldn’t. So, I decided to go to the bathroom and use a towel to wipe it out. I kept drying my ear until my ear was dry like a Savannah Desert in the summer. Ahh, that fell a lot better now that was all out of my ear.

As I came out, Evan jumped me and started to punch me like a hundred times. He was joking, but he was hitting me pretty hard.

“Stop hitting me man!” I cried out. Finally he stopped but it started hurting. By the way, when I checked my arms I had some bruises!

“I think you gave me bruises on my arm.”

“My bad man,” Evan simply apologized.
I swear I almost started tearing up because it was hurting so bad. Fortunately, I didn’t cry because after a while it stopped hurting. After all of this happened, I suddenly felt a rumble in my stomach- I had to fart! I casually walked towards his bed and pretended like I was going to sit down. I then put my but in his face and let it rip.

“Good one. But I’m going to get you back again,” Evan said. It felt good to get him back and it was funny at the same time.

Leaning back on this experience, it taught me about the good times with my friends that I need to hang on to.

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This article has 1 comment.

jbjustfine said...
on Dec. 30 2010 at 6:56 pm
ROCKIN ARTICLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!