dear 7th graders | Teen Ink

dear 7th graders

May 26, 2010
By gordon BRONZE, Park City, Utah
gordon BRONZE, Park City, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear 7th graders,
8th grade is really fun, the teachers the recess and all the fun activities you do in some classes. But the projects could be a big buzz kill like Ms. H's 10,000 word essay witch sounds extremely bad but its not the worst. There’s the gsp project and the wood shop project but the biggest is the history day project witch you take a topic or invention thats below the year 1870 then you make like 20 cited sources that take an hour than you have a choice of making a movie a powerpoint or a poster board, even a book. Then you got to plan a day that you can start creating your project and relax you get to choose partners. Then finally the day comes that you have to stay after school from 3:00 to 6:00 and right a 750 word essay reflection like what Im doing right now witch takes a while if your a not so good typer. After school you will present your project to 9th graders,teachers at this school, even Mr. S will be there. But don’t worry because this project will go right past and then pretty soon you will have another project. But other than that history is really fun and epecially with Ms. S. But we have vending machines!!!!!

The author's comments:
this piece is about a certain school

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