Because of Me | Teen Ink

Because of Me

May 16, 2010
By Shannon Conrad BRONZE, Mesa, Arizona
Shannon Conrad BRONZE, Mesa, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I saw it in my mind. I dreamed about it at night. I longed for it. The perfect pitch.
I visualized the pitch in my mind as I walked up to the plate. I thought, “I just need a hit.”
I looked at my coach for what to do. He gave me the sign to take a pitch and the runner on first to steal. I was nervous two outs; I hope this pitch isn’t a strike. I stepped in the worn out batters’ box. The pitcher got her sign from the catcher, they were so slow. The pitcher started her windup. I put my bat out and showed bunt. The ball left her hand, I pulled my bat back. In the distance I heard the umpire yell strike, but I was focused on the play at second base. The umpire examined how the play ended, and called the runner safe. I was happy she made it but now I was in the hole 0-1.
I looked at coach he gave me the swing away sign. I stepped back in the box. I took a deep breath. I saw the ball leave the pitcher’s hand. I saw my pitch and thought I was dreaming. I swung the bat and connected with the ball and got a lot of power behind my swing. I had a good feeling about that hit.
I took of running and saw the first-base coach yelling at me to go to second and watch coach at third. As I rounded first I saw the ball rolling to the wall, I started thinking “I’m going to third no matter what.” As I looked toward second I saw a pink blur moving in my way, the shortstop was standing on second.
Coach was yelling, “Keep coming, keep coming! The ball is nowhere close!” I put my head down and plowed right into the shortstop and stumbled. As I raced off she mumbled something I wasn’t sure I wanted to know. Coach was waving his arm around so fast I thought it might fly off. I was racing home.
I heard the other coach yell, “Throw it home!” so loud I thought he had a megaphone, I think he did. The next batter was telling me not to slide; I stepped on the rugged, yellowish base that was home plate. I hit a homerun! My first homerun! We had the lead! Because of me! I got the royal treatment when I got to the dugout. I still see that pitch when I dream at night, but now it leaves the field.

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