Birthday Surprise | Teen Ink

Birthday Surprise

May 21, 2010
By Mikayla Elder BRONZE, Fairview, Wyoming
Mikayla Elder BRONZE, Fairview, Wyoming
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I stood at the top of the bridge getting ready to jump. Everyone around me was of course egging me on and chanting Jump! Jump! Jump! This was not how I did want to spend my birthday.

All the events that took place earlier that day were the normal original birthday stuff. The singing, eating cake, opening presents, and, of course, the constant flash of a camera. That was all expected. But the most far fetched thing that should happen on some ones birthday of course had to happen to me.

Around 11:30 when I was in bed in my pajamas with crazy loose hair, I got kidnapped. It happened fast-about seven people with black ski masks burst in my room picked me up and carried me into the waiting Suburban.

With the sleep slowly wearing off me I was silent because I was to confused as to what was happening. They put me into the car and then blindfolded me with a black hanker chief. All I could feel was the car beneath me as it went over a dirt road. I cold hear the strangers talking quietly but not well enough to make it out. I stayed quiet for I didn’t know what to say. Should I ask what’s going on or who they were? No, I was to scared to make out a peep. The car came to an abrupt stop, and I moved forward and hit my head on the seat in front of me. I could hear a few laughs. Great my kidnappers were laughing at me. Well, I knew we were at our stop because the doors all opened and then slammed shut again. My body was then guided by someone towards somewhere. The hanky was pulled off and I knew where we were-The Grover Bridge.

Well, now I’m standing here fretting whether or not to jump as they chant. Maybe they will do something worse if I don’t. My thoughts were interrupted as the hands of someone pushed against my back.

Cold night air was whirling past, and then the cold crisp water stung as it enveloped me. As I popped back up to the surface I heard familiar voices as they were singing happy birthday. The ski masks were gone now, and my friends replaced them. Oh what a great present.

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