Sacrifice | Teen Ink


May 4, 2010
By carolyn campbell BRONZE, Houston, Texas
carolyn campbell BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As a child, most things are simply handed to you. Who takes care of feeding you every night? Who pays the rent, so you have a nice place to live? Who buys gas when their taking you to your friends house? So how are we supposed to grow up and become selfless people, when we don’t know any better as a child. We don’t realize how many opportunities are simply handed our way. We let them pass us by as if our future didn’t depend on it.
Sacrifice..everybody does it, yet nobody appreciates how much people sacrifice for others. If nobody appreciates the sacrifice, how can some people continue to sacrifice? How can our society be filled with such selfish people, but at the same time selfless people? How come it’s those who always give that never get anything back. However if you got something back every time you did a good deed it wouldn’t be called a sacrifice at all. Sometimes you sacrifice because you know it’s the right thing to do. Yet other times you might find yourself sacrificing for those you love. You might even find yourself sacrificing for those you envy or hate. But that doesn’t stop us from sacrificing everyday, for those who surround us.

While most sacrifice for the need to help others, some do it simply because of the way they were raised. Ever heard of sharing is caring? If you’re brought up from a young age to give to others that aren’t as fortunate, then you will grow into a generous adult. However sacrifice is not all about generosity. It’s about being willing enough to give up something that means something special for you. Were not only talking about item’s, you can sacrifice anything, as long as your willing too. Those romance movies are the perfect example for sacrifice. When ones true love sacrifices his/her life to save his/her soulmate. Not all sacrifices need to be so dramatic. A kind gesture towards someone, it could be anyone. Some daily sacrifices you might make everybody, letting a friend borrow your jacket, giving a dollar to a friend for lunch money, both of these are examples some sacrifices you might do without even thinking about it.
Someone who sacrifices it all, would be my parents, just parents in general. The unbelievable thing about parents is they sacrifice so much for their children, but never ask for anything in return. That goes to show you how some people are always looking out for others. How can someone give so much and not ask for anything in return? I guess I will have to become a parent myself to truly understand. Parents care so much for their kids, they would sacrifice just about anything for them. They must care for us more than we think, if their able to make all these sacrifices just for us.
It’s a shame kid’s don’t realize how much is sacrificed for us, by our parents. Otherwise we might never doubt their love towards us again. You might think the only way to show someone how much you care for them is through expressing your emotions. However sometimes the best way to show someone your true feelings is to sacrifice for them. One day I hope to sacrifice as much for my kids, that has been sacrificed for me.

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