Birthday! | Teen Ink


May 10, 2010
By TheAwsomeOne BRONZE, Menifee, California
TheAwsomeOne BRONZE, Menifee, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One morning, I woke up to my mom’s face in front of mine. Believe me, although I love her, it’s not the best way to wake up.
“Mom, what are you doing?” I wondered.
Suddenly, my mom sprung up and opened her arms, looking like she was going to give me a big hug, and shouted, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!”
She was right! It was finally my 12th birthday! My mom’s gift to me was to take me to the mall for a day and let me spend $100. I was so happy and excited.
After getting ready and eating some breakfast, we got to the mall. The parking lot looked so packed that it felt like it would take a year just to find a space and finally get into the mall. Because my birthday is in June it was so hot! But none of this phased me because I was so happy thinking of all the stuff I was going to buy!
“Ah, I love the mall!” I exclaimed.
After a while, my mom and I finally stepped into the mall. There was a strong smell of brewed coffee flowing from the Starbucks near the entrance. About 20 minutes later, we felt like we had just ran a whole mile, but we hadn’t even gotten into a store yet!
“Ok!” I thought to myself, “I have $100 dollars to spend, where to go first?”
All of a sudden, I looked a little over my right shoulder and a bright yellow TILLY’S sign caught my eye. I immediately grabbed my mom’s arm and yanked her in to the store. After about a half-an-hour of shopping and trying on almost everything, we left TILLY’S. We had bags full of clothes and jewelry.
Afterwards, we were so tired and hungry that we stopped to get a bite to eat. Once we were done, we went back out to go shopping a little more. After a few more hours and a number of stores, we were exhausted and decided it was time to go home.
When finally we got home, we collapsed on the couch and watched a movie. When the movie was over, we all went to bed. Before turning off the lights I yelled out “Thank you Mom!”
“Your welcome, Sweetie and happy birthday!”
As I began to close my eyes, I thought to myself “Wow! Next year I’ll be a teenager!”

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