Wipe Out of the Week | Teen Ink

Wipe Out of the Week

April 27, 2010
By scottieay BRONZE, Glen Ellen, Illinois
scottieay BRONZE, Glen Ellen, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I walked down to the edge of the hill. And there it was. A board with orange wheels.
My friend Eric went down the hill first. Seeing him do so, I wanted to try. I was so excited when my friend told me it was fun, because I thought I was good at it but when I went down that hill my long boarding skills changed. Now I am terrified going down big hills. I looked down and it was a steep hill. It was a nice day, the sun was out and the wind was blowing. When I looked down the hill, I was like this is so easy I can do this in my sleep. I had butterflies but I wasn’t scared.
I went down the hill steady and saying to myself I’m going to make it, but when I hit a rock my board started swerving, I was out of control then I hit a curb. When I hit the rock my heart started to beat really fast and I was scared because I thought I was going to break something in my body. In my head I was screaming and saying to myself why did I go down the hill. When hit the rock it felt like my heart just stopped and that I was going to be seriously injured. I flipped over my board and I strained my back. I was on the ground hurt but laughing because it was funny how I flipped over.
My friends ran down to see if I was okay. My friend Robert ran down laughing because it was funny how I flipped over the long board. I was screaming and laying on the ground for a long time. When I was on the ground I thought I was paralyzed because I hit the ground pretty hard. When I tried to get up I fell back down because I strained my back, my friends rushed over and picked me up and asked if I was ok I said, Yaaa. Then I got up and we rode away on our long boards going on with our days.

The author's comments:
long boarding

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