the day i got my hands | Teen Ink

the day i got my hands

April 27, 2010
By reidc BRONZE, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
reidc BRONZE, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I dragged my lead feet off the field. My shoulder pads seemed to get heavier with every step. It took my last remaining strength to pull the weight of my dead tiered body. I sunk to my knees and sank in the soaked in the shade of the tiny oak tree. “Not bad for one day’s work,” someone grunted. Yea, no kidding, I thought.

“You all did a great job,” all eyes snapped to coach. “All of you. There were some great plays and some great caches,” he said and shot a quick glance my way. I could feel all eyes focus on me, and they had every reason to.


Fourth and long, perfect conditions for a hail marry and miracle. Nervousness enveloped my stomach.
”Hike!” I took off running. No time to think, no time to breathe only time to react. I swerved around the cornerback, no problem. One on one, me and the safety. I quickly put some distance between us, thanks to my freakishly long legs. I looked over my shoulder and see the ball. For a split second I thought the ball was almost going to make it. It was under thrown. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the safety reemerge in to view. He jumped up, but before he can say interception I jump and snatch it out of his little hands. I can see his eyes widen in disbelief, he probably had his touchdown dance already planned out. In that half second, we were re suspended weightlessly in the air I just stole that kid’s season highlight. I literally stole it right from his hands. Who cares? He’s from another school.



“I expect 100 percent at practice tomorrow because next weekend we have the super bowl,” my coach barks
At that we all get up and head to our cars. On my way back my coach pulls me to the side. “That was a great catch out there. You finally got your hands, kid.”
“Thanks,” I stammer out before he walked away. Happiness over takes my exhaustion. I felt like I could have jumped out on that field and played with the pros. Then my stomach growls and I realize my mom has pizza waiting for me. Maybe the pros can wait until after pizza.

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