Community Service Essay | Teen Ink

Community Service Essay

April 30, 2010
By RyanFriedPudding BRONZE, Lake Mary, Florida
RyanFriedPudding BRONZE, Lake Mary, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

For community service, I
counted money and collected
money for the Pasta for
Pennies program. This
program was made to help
donate money to the research
of the cancer, Leukemia and
Lymphoma disease. During
my community service, I
would count money with 2-4 others. During lunch I would go to the teachers room. If I counted all of the money that we had found, I would go around the classrooms to check if they have any donations. The winning class with the most money donated would get a pizza party for their class. The winning class donated approximately 300 dollars. By the end of the year, all classes combined had over 1000 dollars. On the last week of the donation, we had 8 different people trying to count pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and dollars. By the end of the week, we were only about halfway done. Overall, I had done 5 hours of community service.
This project made me feel good because I could tell that I was being a great help because of how much money there was. If I didn't help, it would've been a lot harder for the other people who helped also.

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