jasmin | Teen Ink


April 11, 2010
By AraceliJasmin GOLD, Cicero, Illinois
AraceliJasmin GOLD, Cicero, Illinois
10 articles 0 photos 4 comments

i cant believe I am still here without you I almost cant remember your face. I want to hold you close kiss your cheek and caress your hair. Dont worry baby I will try hard to be there the wrong people tore us apart. I only find comfort that you are so young and wont remeber a thing. That its only I who is suffering while you are with your family who loves you while i am alone in a world of hurt where people just want to use me. They say they care about me, I find that hard to believe.Everytime i want to give up I think about your angelic face and see what to do to get things in a good place. It's difficult, I want to hug you kiss you and tell you how much i miss you. So many people dont realize how much it hurts me not to be with you everyday, I feel like a failure and each day is a struggle not to quit. Every breath i take gets tougher and each time i go to sleep i wish i would not wake uo unless your next to me. It seems an impossible goal to be next to you all these people including your so called family look like they enjoy hearing me cry. Well, they are also hurting you Jasmin this is not a joke its your life yet your so young and have no say. One day though,i hope when you ask about me i will not lie to you i will hand you this letter if i am alive and explain to you the horrible things and horrible places i had to live in order to fight for you and for now i cant tell you the outcome cause its still happening...

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