Earth Day | Teen Ink

Earth Day

March 22, 2010
By Teeni129 SILVER, Hawthorne, New York
Teeni129 SILVER, Hawthorne, New York
7 articles 0 photos 5 comments

The Westchester County Citizens’ Volunteer Monitoring Program (CVMP) was established in 2003, through the Safe Drinking Water Act. I am very proud to say that for the last two summers I participated in this program. I plan to do this for the coming years in order to help my earth. In the small hamlet of Mount Pleasant, I did my part too at Washburn Creek in New York. The CVMP was created in order to help generate a baseline of water quality data on streams, rivers, ponds, and lakes throughout Westchester County. This was a great learning experience and it helped me understand why helping the earth wasn’t just for adults; it was also for kids like me. At first, I attended a workshop that enabled me to understand how different equipments were used. I learned how to take the pH, the nitrogen content, salinity, turbidity, and conductivity of the water. My favorite part was when we looked at all of the macroinvertebrates of Washburn Creek. I never thought that I could have so much fun in doing my part for the environment.

All data is accessible to the public through this interactive Web site database:

This year, I am looking forward to attend a big Earth Day celebration on April 22, 2010. Support from different people enables the Earth Day Network to power the environmental movement and ensure a healthy and sustainable planet for all of us. It was a place for family and friends to join together and learn fun ways on saving our planet one step at a time, the place where even the small minnows will wriggle into your heart, the place where you can be yourself and accepted because of the interest you hold in learning about the world around you. It is a place of everything and anything. It is the place that I gradually accepted to attend out of irritation to in seventh grade and was unconditionally, irrevocably in love with by ninth.

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