Transgender or Gay, Straight or Bi. Outside were all the same but different inside! | Teen Ink

Transgender or Gay, Straight or Bi. Outside were all the same but different inside!

March 11, 2010
By Anonymous

No matter who you are or what you are your still human. Like just because I’m Transgender people may think that means I like girls, and that it’s gross. Well, there right I DO like girls. But I like guys just as much! I am proud to admit that am transgender, and proud to like both guys and girls. I have yet to come out as bi, but some friends (and an annoyance I hate >.> gawd) know I’m transgender. I have some friends that know I’m bi too, but I’m still somewhat in the closet (which I like. It’s cozy in here! ^-^). I just realized I’m bi this year. But when I did it wasn’t that shocking. I mean I’ve thrown around the idea that I’m bi for years now. So it was like “makes sense”. And when I told some of my friends they already kind of guessed. Coming out being transgender wasn’t that hard. I was just having a normal convo with some friends. One of my friends, came out and said “I’m Bi.” And well she already told me so I was ok with it. Everyone else was too. So I said “I’m transgender.” It took them a while to get it because I had to explain it. Even know their like “So you think you’re a guy?” which is infuriating! I know I’m a biologicaly girl! I’m MENTALY a guy! Gosh! <--See girly talk. It happens. What with being RAISED female and having two sisters and being surrounded by their female friends.) Anyway. I don’t know why I wrote this I just FELT like it ^-^ Oh yeah: Were All Just different Colors of the Rainbow! <--Gay Pride Flag Reference)

The author's comments:
This is true. I AM bisexual, and I am Transgender.I have yet to tell my parents ANY of this so yeah. XP Regreating that day. (the day i go off to college XD)

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 24 2010 at 5:33 am
creativityrules BRONZE, Lucknow, Other
4 articles 0 photos 29 comments
good for u.... every1 is made differently and every1 has the right to live the way they want.....