The Message | Teen Ink

The Message

February 9, 2010
By Alli. BRONZE, Wise, Virginia
Alli. BRONZE, Wise, Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I think the thing to do is to enjoy the ride while you're on it.” -Johnny Depp.

Why can't you hear me? Am i too soft spoken, meak, no spine? Why do you feel like you have to bring down my soul to make you feel good on the inside. Can't you see that I am a person I have feelings. I am not some heartless person who can take anything that is thrown at her. Every once in a while some spears of hurt get through my armor. I've come to relize that you can't trust anyone with anything in this world. Because the 20% that you do tell don't care and the other 80% is glad you have the problem. I feel as if you are both but yet you can lure people into your trap but making them think that you are a very trustful person. Wow what a wake up call for them right? The soul is a very persious thing yet people don't see it as that. They see it as a thing that can be crushed and pushed until it does break. But the fact is they have a worse hurt soul then the person they are bringing down. I feel as if your words of so called help do nothing but make me feel bad about being alive. How can you take someone joy and make it your own and leave them empty. I am the type of person i like to make people happy but for some reason i feel as if you are sucking the life right out of me. My soul is so fragile right now that the only thing that is keeping me from doing something i will regreat is God. Everything i am is from his grace and mercery.He has giveing a stong back bone and will power to make it through all of the beating you have inflicted on my. The percious word of God is keeping me sane so that i may function when you are telling me lies that i do not wish to hear or see. The word of pray is keeping me from yelling and getting exteremely angry with you. So continue your attempt to kill my soul. You wont secced with God on my side for all things are possible.

The author's comments:
This piece means a lot to me because I wrote it during a diffcult time in my life.

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