The accident | Teen Ink

The accident

January 18, 2010
By rebuildingbrokendownwalls BRONZE, Bedminster, New Jersey
rebuildingbrokendownwalls BRONZE, Bedminster, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"wise men think for themselves" robin willams as genie

It hit me like a tidal wave. I remember the message or what I could hear of it. “There’s been an accident he is in the ER they don’t know whats wrong yet” was all it said. I couldn’t breath some unknown force was squeezing my lungs depriving them of air. Then I started to cry even though I couldn’t get my lungs to accept the air I was trying to breath. My heart stopped. I tried to call the number your dad left, but it wasn’t the right number. That only made things worse I was slipping and my heart was breaking. For hours I had to fake a smile and pretend that everything was alright. I had to work when you needed me because my mother said so. That is what killed me I think why I couldn’t go to school. I remember you in the ICU all the wires and machines. I had to wear a gown and gloves even to touch you, but I still faked that smile while I was by your side. Seeing you like that I can’t lie I almost turned tail an ran before I even made it in the room. The week went on and by Wednesday I had made it threw a full day of school.

It is two months later and I don’t know if I can b strong any more. I can’t hide behind my well made wall. I almost lost the one I live for and now as you get stronger, my wall to hide behind begins to fall. You still need me to be strong and help you threw it, but my strength is almost gone. I break in secret and rebuild my wall, just to get you threw it that is all.

The author's comments:
my fiance had an motorcycle accident and two month later this is my view on what happend to now.

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