I Have Ears For Learning | Teen Ink

I Have Ears For Learning

December 22, 2009
By Flowergoat SILVER, Pleasant Plain, Ohio
Flowergoat SILVER, Pleasant Plain, Ohio
9 articles 0 photos 14 comments

From the moment I was born I’ve been learning; through the course of time I have developed ways I learn the best. Did you know that the second easiest way for me to learn is really the hardest way to learn. The auditory learning style is the most difficult way for people to learn (Piedmont Education Services). This is funny to me because it’s a very easy style for me to learn by. The way that I learn best is by the interpersonal learning style; I love to interact with people and share their knowledge. The two learning styles I know I use are interpersonal because I'm very social, and auditory because I always sing and find rhythm in words.

On Advanology.com I read that “[Interpersonal learners] are able to read other peoples reactions and empathize.” Also if you’re an interpersonal learner “you typically prefer learning in groups or classes”...and “you prefer social activities rather than doing your own thing.” (Inspiring Breakthrough). I find that when I’m in group classes I get work finished pretty fast and well done,
whereas when I’m doing my homework at home I work pretty slow and it’s harder for me to get it finished. It’s easier for me to work with people than without. I’ll look at a person next to me who’s crying, and ask them what the trouble is, but before they even answer I’m crying right along with them. I care what others are feeling and try to think of myself in their place. Doing so shows me that I am an interpersonal learner.

Learning Styles: Strategies for Success states that as an auditory learner, “I prefer to follow verbal instructions rather than written ones.” I read that an auditory learner will remember about 75% of what he/she hears from a song, story, lecture, or even speech (Piedmont). When I’m in math class my teacher will verbally teach us the lesson and problems in her own words. Later, after knowing and understanding perfectly what to do from her examples, I get stumped reading the questions out of the book by myself. Have you ever been riding in the car when a song comes on, and by the time the chorus comes around for the second time you can recite it? That’s what happens to me; I’m like a recorder. You play something to me and I’ll never forget it. I’ll remember it forever and you can’t erase it.

If you know me you would say that I never stop talking or finding catchy phrases. I’m always humming, reciting, chatting, listening, consulting with others and even writing poems and songs. You would think the auditory learning style was my only learning style but it’s not. I’m actually more interpersonal. On Learning Styles they tell me that “before making a decision, I usually discuss it with my family”...also that “I like to do my homework with others.” I learn best when with a friend where I can talk and share my ideas and questions with them.

Everyday do you sit by somebody who is always blabbing with their friend seeming like they’re not paying attention? Then you see their grade and think that they cheated, maybe they did? Or maybe they didn’t? Most likely that’s just their learning style. Later you catch them in the halls listening to their ipod with five other people. You can tell that what people do on their free time reflects on what they’re learning styles are. How you learn is how you live.

Works Cited
“The Social (interpersonal) Learning Style.” Advanology.com. 2003-2007. 13 November 2009 <http://www.learning-styles-

“Interpersonal Intelligenses.” Inspiring Breakthrough. 2003-5. 13 November 2009

"Learning Styles: Strategies for Success." October 2009. 14 November 2009 <http://www.accd.edu/sac/history/keller/ACCDitg/SSLS.html>

“Learning styles:Auditory.” Piedmont Education Services. 2006. 13 November 2009 <http://www.pesdirect.com/lsiauditory.html>

The author's comments:
It was very interesting to find what learning style I used, and I encourage you to find yours because it can really help you study better.

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