God Bless The Truth | Teen Ink

God Bless The Truth

December 20, 2009
By Anonymous

I have two songs that describe my life completely. Both songs are by the band, The Fray. "How to Save a Life" and "Over My Head". Yes, we all know...sad story. I never knew exactly who I was. I believed in God, yes I did but was He really there? I had nearly commited suicide many times and I had thought about it so much my parents wanted me to go to therapy and go to a private school. I had lost all hope. Guys were terrible to me until I met this one guy. This guy's best friend was the guy who just made me crumble into a million pieces, that disgusting perve. I had found the Truth. I had found the definition to my life. I almost pulled the trigger, who stopped me? The Truth. A unique indiviual. I've never been loved like he has loved me. I'm so thankful that God put him in my life. I'm now a stronger believer in God and The Truth turned my life around. God heard my prayer and answered it just when needed. He gave me The Truth and God knew exactly what I wanted. So, when life sends you down to the lowest point, please pray. Do not give up. God will give you the Truth. It'll be the best thing that'll ever happen to you. This is not a joke, this is a promise. I mean, I'm writing in the non-fiction section aren't I? I know this isn't your fairy-tale writing but I found love in the Truth, I found hope, I found life, I found God, I found my everything. God Bless The Truth.

The author's comments:
The Truth is a person who will remain completely anonymous.

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