All About Racing | Teen Ink

All About Racing

March 15, 2024
By Anonymous

Vroom! Vroom! Cars warm up their engines. I smell  fumes and gas. I feel dirt thrown at me from the tires. I see cars speeding around the track. I taste cheese fries. The drivers on the track are Nate dussel,Matt foos,Steve rando, Brandon moore,Sean and Tony Burns.When all of the drivers are on the track, and they get really to start Tony burns flips in  the side of the wall.It was really really bad because Tony had to go to the hospital. The next day Tony had to go back so Tony could not race for a little bit but Tony helped other people so they did not have to do it by them self  and so Tony helped people because the race was about to start. When the race is started the race car drivers thown dirt with there cars. There are a lot of drivers at Fremont Speedway and we cheer for a lot because they are out at Fremont Speedway to win. There are different races like the 305,410 and dirt trucks. One time Nate Dussel won almost all the races. Racing is really really fun because all of the drivers are funny and fun.!!!!!!!!!!

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