Our Cookbook | Teen Ink

Our Cookbook

September 27, 2023
By 4dobbertin PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
4dobbertin PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
24 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ever since I could remember, I've always eaten the most flavorful, and healthy dishes that feels like you're on a cloud, softly drifting through the air. This is all thanks to my family, but especially my grandparents. The chicken adobo, the lumpia, or even the pancet, all so delightful.

I don't know how this came to be, but it's almost like my family was created to cook great food. My entire family has this mysterious synergy when it comes to making food. All of them collaborating with one another tastes like all the different spices and seasonings in my grandparents' chicken adobo. Everyone in my family plays a role especially my siblings and I, we’re just the judges!


The beginning of this cooking starts with my Dad. My Dad’s job is not to cook the food, or prepare the food, but it's to get the food; not buy “get”. My dad does this by growing and raising the ingredients. This authenticity and freshness is one of the many reasons why our food is the best. My Dad has a vast garden with so many vegetables, herbs, and fruits that bring flavor to our dishes. He also has 40 acres of land, where he takes care of 25 cows and 40 chickens! All of his work ensures the stable foundation that all cookbooks should be built upon.


My parents have a powerful relationship that thrives wherever they go. Whether it's at home, on vacation or even separate from one another, their relationship stays connected, like the feeling of a warm blanket to your chilled body on a frigid winter day. Besides my birth, my favorite part of their relationship is their collaboration with food. With the cooking starting with my Dad and ending with my grandparents, it leaves my mom as the middlewoman; and that is a perfect way to describe her role. She single handedly makes everything perfect, even when it comes to food. She does everything that needs to be done, like hiring butchers and breeders, grocery shopping, working, and most importantly taking care of everyone. That is her role. 



Last but not least; my grandparents. If this cookbook had a secret ingredient, it would be them. They are the final step to this cookbook. Out of all the steps in a cookbook, the actual cooking part has to be the hardest, and this is why it is the task of my grandparents. My grandparents' love for us and cooking, makes this impossible task so easy for them. They use their love in their cooking to make normal meals special. 

Our family cookbook would be the one thing that I'd save. Not only because I like the food, but because the book symbolizes our families love and connectedness towards one another. My grandparents won't live forever and like my grandparents' love, I'd want these recipes to live on.

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