Letter to My Grandpa | Teen Ink

Letter to My Grandpa

April 28, 2023
By Anonymous

Dear Grandpa,

Many things have changed since you passed, including me. I am not the same girl you knew 6 years ago. The last time we met I was a 7th grader, and I was so much more different back then. I didn’t have a dream, and was just happy to survive another day. I was super lost back then, but things are different now. I’m a senior in high school and getting ready for college next year. I’m determined to succeed for both of us. 

In the time I spent alone I taught myself how to be responsible. I took the time to become independent, and learned how to cook and take care of myself. Although Mom and Dad are doing well, they’re currently suffering from health problems that make me fearful. I don't want them to go before I’ve accomplished anything they could brag about. I don’t want that to happen again. Time is of the essence. They are getting older and their bodies are slowing down. I feel like it's my duty to make sure they have happier times before they run out of it. I’ve decided I want to work my hardest with my college education, to ensure my parents can have a well-deserved retirement. I'm sorry that I couldn’t show you too what I could achieve. 

Moreover Grandpa, my dreams changed and they don't involve music anymore. I feel like I have a more attainable dream for myself now. I’m thinking of becoming a pediatrician, or studying criminology. Mom and dad always tell me that they would support me wherever I go, but I know deep down they want to go back to Seattle. I don’t want them to live the rest of their lives working. I need to make sure I can provide that to them.

Grandpa, I wish I knew back then how little time you had. I wish I understood the importance of time and not to waste it. I have so many regrets about not understanding the importance of time, but don’t worry. I won’t make the same mistake twice. Before Dad and Mom leave, I will make sure to live out my dream, our dream, and make them proud at the same time. Thank you for believing in me when other people didn’t, I love you.

Your Star

The author's comments:

My grandpa passed away when I was in middle school. Some time has pass but I still miss him.

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