My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

March 2, 2022
By Anonymous

In English my name means strong. In Latin, it means long-lived. It means sports, being active, and always on the go. It sounds calm and relaxed just like a Sunday nap. It feels rough like the rocks on a California cliff edge. It’s a small town with not much going on. It’s calm, like a slow-flowing river.

My name was to be similar to my twins’ name. Both our first and middle names were to start with the same letter and flow with my last name. Our first names have the same amount of letters. My middle name, as well as my sister’s middle name, was to have some family history involved. My middle name is my dad’s first name. My sister’s middle name has to do with my great-grandparents.

I have never been given a nickname. And I can thank my parents for that. By them choosing Ethan, it created no nicknames or any kind of name-calling that could rhyme or fit in with my name.  Except it is sometimes confused with the name Evan. There is also no way to shorten or lengthen my name which is an advantage.

When I think of my name I think of summer weekends at the racetrack. At the golf course on a warm summer day. I think of a big steak with some salad on the side. I think of my favorite color, blue. I think of the ocean breeze in Florida while on summer vacation. staying up late, out with friends letting the time pass by. I think of being on the water, boating till the sun falls below the trees. I think of spending time with my sisters, no parents around.

Some kids at school may think of it as a short, shy kid. But many people just don’t know the true me. The people that know me, know that I am caring and respectful, and put my best effort towards everything. This will hopefully all pay off in the end when I graduate high school to chase my dreams and go off to college.

In the future, I think of myself as successful. I think of going to a big college, meeting new people, and trying new things. I think of pushing myself to be the best I possibly can be. I think of starting a family, giving my kids the best chance to succeed as my parents did for me

I do like my name. I think that it demonstrates the true me. It means family at the dinner table, laughing and sharing memories. It means traveling to new places, and meeting new people.

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