Hand Blower Dryer Thingy | Teen Ink

Hand Blower Dryer Thingy

October 28, 2019
By Anonymous

I had spent the last ten minutes in the stall so I gave my best effort to wash my hands thoroughly. When I finished washing my hands, they were soaked. I turned to my left and stared the blow dryer in the eyes -- my arch nemesis. I pressed the button and he screamed at me. VVVRVRVRVRVRVRVRVRRVRVRV! I danced a graceful jig, trying to keep my hands under his mouth but my body far away. His energy slowly diminished as he finally retreated into his usual state. He had won. My hands were dry, but he had managed to push the water droplets from my hands down onto my pants. I walked out and was greeted by tons of laughter. The hand blower dryer machine thing was successful in his blackmailing once again.

The author's comments:

In this piece I was trying to practice personification. You will notice my use of personification in my descriptions of the hand dryer. I liked this piece because it made me look vulnerable and incorporated humour nicely.

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