Sassy or Sweet | Teen Ink

Sassy or Sweet

May 5, 2019
By schepolis_mcacubs BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
schepolis_mcacubs BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My vice is sassy. I chose sassy because I sometimes have a way of presenting myself boldly, whether it be in a positive or a negative way. My friends and family say that I have a very loud, unique, and lively personality that can come off a little too strong in some situations. I express myself by the way I speak and through vivid facial expressions. I do not purposefully make sassy facial expressions, but they happen naturally along with impulsive things I may say. Occasionally the reactions I have to sudden news is not the most pleasant. I have trouble with controlling my actions because I will usually think or act without speaking, or I will have no control over the reaction that I express. For example if one of my close friends mess up something I am more likely to laugh at them because of my specific personality and relationships I have with my friends. I do not do this as a rude remark, I sometimes have the tendency to interpret things as hilarious or very surprising and cannot control my reactions. I have a tendency to have a sassy attitude, whether it be a rude face or just plainly laughing, a habit I have had ever since I can remember.

My virtue is sweet. I grew up learning to be respectful and to use manners when talking to others. I try my best to cheer people up and to make them smile when they are feeling down. I constantly try to do the best thing in situations without hurting people’s feelings. I always hope that I am never the mean girl hurting someone’s feelings or putting them down because I strive to make others happy. It makes my day when someone compliments me or make me smile, so I try to do the same for another person. Even if it is just a small smile or quick hello in the hallway, it is the thought and recognition of that person that makes her happy. I take great pleasure in making other people feel joy over anything else. Other things that make me a sweet person is that I every now and then will do things that I particularly would not choose to do, but do anyway because someone who is important to me enjoys it. All of these characteristics make me a sweet and considerate person.

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