Coulrophobia | Teen Ink


November 1, 2018
By Anonymous

Coulrophobia is defined as the fear of clowns.  According to a Vox Poll, out of “2,000 American people, 42 percent said they were in someway afraid of clowns.”  When me and my friends went to Canobie Lake Park Screeemfest, we learned that these facts are true.

Everyone who is afraid of clowns is afraid of the clowns face because they have weird faces and sharp teeth so that's why most people are afraid and run away from them  We know it’s true because I saw people getting chased by a clown and they were crying. These clowns looked the clown “IT” and the makeup was very good it looked very real. Also I think that people are afraid of clowns is because of how they talk because they talk in a high pitch voice and say they will kill you or something like that.

When we got to canobie and we went towards the paintball area and there was a clown and it looked at us and walked away so we followed it and we were by the clown house.

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