A Whirl of Music | Teen Ink

A Whirl of Music

October 29, 2018
By leximay_ BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
leximay_ BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Kip Moore plays as we ride through the winding roads on the way to my grandma’s house. My mom singing every word as her hair spins and twirls in the wind.My sisters music runs down the narrow hallway while she showers, the guitar screaming while my chemical romance plays a band I used to listen to all the time .My dads reggae making the house jump as he plays is on his shiny stereo. Johanna would much rather listen to dubstep as if she was clubbing right on the living room floor .Dre listens to remixes some of the best songs re done and make new and hip as he wishes to be a dj when he grows up. I am not like the others while they are listen in to the new music id rather be transported to a time where music was slow and love songs were cute, paul anka’s put you head on my shoulder swirling around my room while I clean pretending my broom in my handsome dance partner, dean martin’s if playing as I slowly fall asleep on long car rides the tune of michael bubblé’s im feeling good or i just haven't met you yet playing in my headphones as I tap my foot to the beat and bob my head side to side lip syncing every word.

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