Ditching | Teen Ink


October 5, 2018
By Raymond14 SILVER, Sacramento, California
Raymond14 SILVER, Sacramento, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Keep moving forward

We all make mistakes in our lives and sometimes we wanna go back in time to fix that mistake. I know that i’ve made mistakes before probably made a lot of them but out of all the mistake i had this one that i’m about to tell you is my favorite it even makes me laugh just talking about it.

  So this is how it all started it was a school day and i was getting ready to go to school, so i was done brushing my teeth and my mom yelled my name,

    “Ray your friend leo is here”!


  I pulled up to the door and said wassup to leo and we shook hands then my home.

“She said have a good day at school son.” “And i said okay mom love you.”

 So my mom thinks that we are going to school but instead we were going to get a friend so while we are walking to his crib my gut was telling me that something was about to happen but i ignored it. So time passes by we are halfway to his crib and i wasn’t paying attention but leo seen my mother’s car so then my mom stop her car then she yelled my name and telling me to get my ass in car so me and leo ran and hide behind some trees like my mom couldn’t see us.

So i went to the car and i got an earful by my mother and she dropped me off at school now i know to tell my mother where i’m going next time.


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