Dessert Nachos | Teen Ink

Dessert Nachos

October 3, 2018
By 0endisch SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
0endisch SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

June 26th, 2018, was the beginning of a tradition—a tradition that would bring both new friends and old friends together.  

Legs dangling off the couch, I casually play my friend Derek on PS4.

“Oh my! No wonder I feel so strange, I haven’t eaten yet today!” I hollered through the microphone. Struggling to see the screen from the couch, I slither to the floor to be in a better position to perform.  

“Why don’t we go—” Derek stutters as J.D. Martinez blasts the ball through the batter’s eye in centerfield, “to Buffalo Wild Wings and snag some spicy wings?”

Derek and I trip and trample over our blankets and depart for Buffalo Wild Wings. I pull perfectly into a parking space just across the street from Buffalo Wild Wings, followed by Derek in his bright blue Buick. As the waitress seats us in the slick, slippery seat, we place our order. After devouring our steamy wings, the waitress asks if we would like dessert.  

“Can we get two orders of the Dessert Nachos please?” Derek surprisingly asks.  He leans to me, whispering, “Trust me, these will help to cool you down.”

The mound of tortilla chips and ice cream burst out of the kitchen and sit directly in front of us. Chocolate sauce and caramel oozes out of the sides as we begin to dismantle the Dessert Nachos.

With each bite, the heat and stinging from the wings slowly is extinguish.

I was amazed by the dessert that Derek and I began going to Buffalo Wild Wings every other Tuesday, bringing along new friends each time so they too could experience the sweet dessert.

June 26th, 2018, was the beginning of a tradition—a tradition that would bring both new friends and old friends together.

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