Pain Is Permanent | Teen Ink

Pain Is Permanent

October 10, 2017
By BraedenMcM BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
BraedenMcM BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Pain stays with you forever; I found that out in a difficult way. It all started when I was two. My dad just got a new girlfriend. She seemed nice at first, then things took a turn for the worst. Everything changed when my father married her. He never played with me anymore.

When I was young my father and I used to play “dinosaurs’. It was a game where we would wrestle on his bed. When my new stepmom came we never played it again. She made me do hours worth of math problems because i had a B in math, but i had A’s in all the other subjects.

My father passed on the love for the NFL team the Washington Redskins. He always promised to take me to a game. When i was ten my little brother was born. My dad took him to a game by the time he was two. I have not to this day seen the Redskins play in person.

When i was nine, things got much worse. I was working on my math book. When i finished with that page i went to my stepmom for her to check it. She said that i had too many wrong so i had to correct the ones i got wrong and do a whole new page as well. I went back to my room and sighed. My dad the walked in and started yelling. He picked me up and threw me on the bed. He slapped me in the temple with his left hand which happened to bear his titanium wedding ring. I got a concussion from this incident.

I still have not gotten over this. There is not a day that goes by where it does not pass through my mind. My father now lives in North Carolina. I have not seen him in almost four years. Pain will stay with you forever. You need to find a way to use this pain to make you a better person.

The author's comments:

I want people to learn that pain may be permanent, but we can all get through it

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