The Snake Attack | Teen Ink

The Snake Attack

September 11, 2017
By Anonymous

 I woke up in the morning and went downstairs to brush my teeth and eat breakfast. I saw in the corner of my eye my mom packing something in a bag. I asked her what she was doing and said too wait and see. When it was noon I already knew where we were going.... the park.


When we got to the park I saw all my friends and we were playing tag and other fun games too. During one of our games of tag, I went to go hide in a area of the park that had a lot of trees in it. When I got there, I saw something black in one of the bushes and seemed like it was moving.

When I got closer, I noticed it had scaly skin on it. I then, remembered what was on tv before I left and saw that dangerous snakes have black scaly skin and like to hide in areas with a lot of trees. Which where I was exactly in. I then tried to move away from the snake but noticed me and slithered closer, and closer, and closer to me.

When he snake was about a foot or two away from me, I got scared and ran as fast as I could and the snake also tried to jump up and bite me, but was too late and then slithered away. I then ran to my mom and told her what happed. She said that what the good thing is that I was safe and to never go there again. And I never did.

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