To Search for the Meaning of Life | Teen Ink

To Search for the Meaning of Life

June 14, 2017
By Everette_Alderete GOLD, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Everette_Alderete GOLD, Albuquerque, New Mexico
17 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Deep into that darkness peering
Long I stood there
Wondering, fearing, doubting
Dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before"
-Edgar Allen Poe

Life cannot be fully satisfied, no matter how rich or poor, ignorant or intelligent one is. Life is a monotonous, frustrating experience that can never be lived to the fullest. It is barren, boring and empty and when one speaks of the meaning of life, the only answer is that there is none. People search for meaning and fulfillment in a life that is too demanding and too wasteful to be given any purpose. Riches and money make no difference nor does poverty make one the wiser about the living of life. It is the same and pointless and the fruits of life can never be found in the material goods of this world. Fruits that may or may not exist in the flawless deformity of this entity and world. To search for a purpose, and for significance in this existence will only lead to hollow findings and vacant achievement. And when one comes to this realization, it only induces enraged destruction and a sorrowful epiphany. To plant marigolds in one’s colorless life would mean to grow a surreal perfection in the midst of unscathed ugliness and would only bring about beautiful and tormenting pain The loss of innocence not only marks the end of childhood, but the end of undiscerning exploits.

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