April | Teen Ink


May 10, 2017
By ahaines_10 SILVER, Wilmington, Massachusetts
ahaines_10 SILVER, Wilmington, Massachusetts
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name is April. Yes like the month. My showers do not bring May flowers and my birthday is not in April. I wish people would stop asking these foolish questions. My whole life, my name felt like a pair of jeans that doesn't quite fit right. The five random letters sounded foreign to me as I said them and they left a sour taste in my mouth. One day, I learned the meaning behind my name and it was given a fresh new face. April, they named me after my dad’s precious little sister. She was delicate and beautiful just like the sweet innocent baby birds that hatch out of their mother’s eggs in April. Her smile was like a warm sunny day, not too hot not too cold. Her grace like a peaceful breeze. My name is April, in loving memory of her. She died so young only a mere 3 years old, her life gone too soon. She was full of happiness, a harbinger of joy and love. I am honored to have the privilege of sharing her name.

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