My Biggest Role Model | Teen Ink

My Biggest Role Model

March 3, 2017
By asmith BRONZE, North Collins, New York
asmith BRONZE, North Collins, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One person in my life who had a great impact on me so far was my grandpa. He was a great role model and he also taught me many things I still use today. In my room right across from my bed, I have a picture on top of my storage shelves of my grandpa with all of my cousins. The picture was taken at his and my grandma’s property they own in the summer about 3 years ago. This picture means so much to me because my grandpa passed away a few months after that. My grandpa was battling cancer for his fourth or fifth time and we knew he did not have much longer with us. He also knew that, and his favorite thing to do was to spend time with all of his grandchildren. He had a very special bond with each and every one of us, and one of the things he wanted before he passed away is a picture when all of his grandchildren were in the same place at the same time. Another thing I always think about when I think of him is the First Ward St. Patrick’s Day Parade in South Buffalo. My family is very irish, especially my grandpa, meaning he liked St. Patrick’s Day more than his birthday. He just loved to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, spending time with all of his friends and family at the parade was the perfect way to do so. Because of that, that is one family tradition that I have inherited and will carry on throughout my life. Since I was a newborn, I have gone to the parade every single year. There are pictures of me at 7 months old, dressed in all green wrapped up in my shamrock blanket. After my grandpa passed away, so many people were heartbroken. Almost everyone in South Buffalo knew my grandpa, making it a very tough loss. The first year we went to the parade after he died, it was not the same at all. Some people could not even bring themselves to go, but I did because I knew that my grandpa would have wanted me to go and have a good time. We still went to the same spot and celebrated in honor of him. The following year, my family was asked to drive my grandpa’s truck and march in the parade. My dad drove the truck while my cousin Jake and I walked in front holding the banner with his name on it. To see all of the people’s faces cheer up when they saw us come down the road, was so heartwarming. Sometimes after the parade, we all go to Doc Sullivan’s for chicken wings. My grandpa loved them and he also used to own the restaurant with my grandma, so it is something I love to do to remember my grandpa and my biggest role model.

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